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#! /sprite/cmds/perl
# Scvs is the "Sprite Concurrent Version System", pronounced "skivies".
# It is a Perl script wrapper for cvs. See the cvs man page for more
# details.
# $Header: /sprite/src/cmds/scvs/RCS/scvs,v 1.13 91/10/31 13:08:52 jhh Exp Locker: jhh $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
# Copyright 1991 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
# notice appears in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
require "option.pl";
require "pwd.pl";
require "ctime.pl";
require "stat.pl";
$recurse = 1;
$verbose = 0;
$linkFile = "links";
$debug = 0;
$configFile = "SCVS.config";
$argFile = "args";
$modNameFile = "moduleName";
$userFile = "SCVS/users";
@options = (
"Usage: scvs [scvs options] command [command options]",
"V", $OPT_TRUE, *verbose, "Verbose",
"D", $OPT_TRUE, *debug, "Debug",
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", "Check out files read-only",
"w", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", "Check out files read-write (default)",
"v", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", "Print cvs version info",
"d", $OPT_STRING, *cvsroot, "Specify cvs root directory",
"e", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", "Specify editor to use",
"H", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", "Print help information",
&Opt_Parse(*ARGV, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST);
if ($debug) {
$verbose = 1;
$cvsCmdArgs = $cvsargs;
@cvsCmds = ("join", "patch", "tag");
# Config
# Find the configuration file and set up various configuration variables.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: Some variables are set.
sub Config {
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($stat, $lastStat) = (0, 0);
# Work our way up the directory tree looking for the config file.
while(! -e $configFile) {
push(@attempts, $ENV{'PWD'});
&Chdir("..") == 0 || return 1;
$stat = $st_dev . $st_ino . $st_serverID;
last if ($stat eq $lastStat);
$lastStat = $stat;
if (! -e $configFile) {
printf("Couldn't find configuration file\n");
foreach $tmp (@attempts) {
printf("Not in $tmp\n");
return 1;
open(CONFIG, "$configFile") || die("Can't open $configFile: $!\n");
while(<CONFIG>) {
next if (/^\s*#/);
if (/^cvsroot:\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
if (!defined($cvsroot)) {
$cvsroot = $1;
} elsif(/^installdir:\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$installdir = $1;
if (!defined($cvsroot)) {
printf("cvsroot not set in config file\n");
return 1;
&Chdir("$pwd") == 0 || return 1;
return 0;
# PackCmd($command, @dirs)
# Runs a Pack or Unpack command on each of the directories in the list.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The link file is modified.
sub PackCmd {
local($command) = shift;
local(@dirs) = @_;
local($status) = 0;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
if ($#dirs < $[) {
push(@dirs, '.');
foreach $dir (@dirs) {
&Chdir($dir) == 0 || return 1;
if ($command eq "pack") {
$status = &Pack($dir);
} else {
$status = &Unpack($dir);
if ($status) {
return $status;
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
# Pack($path)
# Finds all symbolic links in the current directory and puts them in the
# link file. The links are stored in alphabetical
# order. If $recurse is non-zero, Pack will call itself to recurse on
# subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The link file is modified.
sub Pack {
local($path) = shift;
local($addDir) = 0;
local($addFile) = 0;
# Don't pack SCVS subdirectories.
if ($path =~ m|.*/SCVS|) {
return 0;
printf(STDERR "Packing $path\n") if ($debug);
$addDir = (-d "SCVS") ? 0 : 1;
$addFile = (-f "SCVS/$linkFile") ? 0 : 1;
opendir(THISDIR, ".") || return &Error(1, "Opendir of $path failed: $!\n");
foreach $link (grep(-l, readdir(THISDIR))) {
printf(STDERR "$link\n") if ($debug);
$links{$link} = readlink($link);
if (defined(%links) || (!$addFile)) {
if ($addDir) {
mkdir("SCVS", 0770) ||
return &Error(1, "Mkdir of SCVS failed: $!\n");
if (open(PACK, ">SCVS/$linkFile") == 0) {
printf("Can't open $linkFile: $!\n");
$status = 1;
"# This file is used by scvs and contains symbolic link\n");
"# information. Each line is of the form \"link target\"\n");
printf(PACK "# \$Header\n");
foreach $link (sort keys %links) {
printf(PACK "%-24s %s\n", $link, $links{$link});
if ($addFile && (-e "CVS.adm")) {
if ($addDir) {
system("cvs -d $cvsroot add SCVS");
system("cvs -d $cvsroot add -m\"scvs links\" SCVS/$linkFile");
if ($recurse) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Pack");
return $status;
# Unpack($path)
# Reads the link file in the current directory and creates symbolic links
# from its contents. If recurse is non-zero, Unpack will call itself to
# recurse on subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: Symbolic links may be created in the current directory
sub Unpack {
local($path) = shift;
local($status) = 0;
printf(STDERR "Unpacking $path\n") if ($debug);
if (open(UNPACK, "SCVS/$linkFile")) {
while(<UNPACK>) {
next if (/^#/);
if (/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
($link, $value) = ($1, $2);
if (-l $link) {
$old = readlink($link);
if ($old ne $value) {
"Changing $link -> $value, instead of -> $old\n");
} else {
} elsif (-e $link) {
printf("File $link already exists.\n");
$status = 1;
} elsif ($verbose) {
printf("Creating: $link -> $value\n");
if (symlink($value, $link) == 0) {
printf("Can't create link from $link to $value: $!");
$status = 1;
if ($recurse) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Unpack");
return $status;
# Repository(module)
# Finds the pathname of the repository directory for the given module.
# Results: The pathname
# Side effects:
sub Repository {
$tmp = &ReadFile("$_[0]/CVS.adm/Repository", 1);
if (defined($tmp)) {
return "$cvsroot/$tmp";
return undef;
# Prune($path)
# Removes the given directory if it is empty (no user files or subdirectories).
# Recurses on subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The directory or its subdirectories may be removed.
sub Prune {
local($path) = shift;
local($status) = 0;
local($empty) = 1;
local($tail) = substr($path, rindex($path, '/') + 1);
if ($tail eq "SCVS") {
return 0;
print "Pruning $path\n" if ($debug);
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Prune");
if ($status) {
return $status;
opendir(THISDIR, ".") ||
return &Error(1, "Opendir of $path failed: $!\n");
foreach $i (readdir(THISDIR)) {
next if ($i eq ".");
next if ($i eq "..");
next if ($i eq "CVS.adm");
next if ($i eq "SCVS");
print "Found $i in $path\n" if ($debug);
$empty = 0;
if ($empty) {
print "Prune: chdir to ..\n" if ($debug);
&Chdir("..") == 0 || return 1;
print "Prune: deleting $tail\n" if ($debug);
system("rm -rf $tail");
return 0;
# CvsOpt1($optString, $nextArg)
# Appends $optString to $cvsargs.
# Results: 0
# Side effects: None
sub CvsOpt1 {
printf("CvsOpt1 @_\n") if ($debug);
$cvsargs .= "$_[0] ";
return 0;
# CvsOpt2($optString, $nextArg)
# Appends $optString and $nextArg to $cvsargs.
# Results: 1
# Side effects: None
sub CvsOpt2 {
printf("CvsOpt2 @_\n") if ($debug);
$cvsargs .= "$_[0] \"$_[1]\" ";
return 1;
# Checkout(@modules)
# Checks out modules. "cvs co" is used to make a copy of the module.
# Unpack is used to unpack symbolic links.
# The current user name is added to the SCVS.users
# file and a list of any other users with a copy of the module are
# printed. Any options passed to "cvs co" are stored in the SCVS/args
# file to be used on subsequent updates.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: A subdirectory is created for each module.
sub Checkout {
local(@modules) = @_;
local($buffer, $i,$repos, $user, $date, %count, %dates);
local($found, $name);
local($prune) = 1;
local($personal) = 0;
local(@options) = (
"l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Don't recurse.",
"P", $OPT_FALSE, *prune, "Don't prune empty directories.",
"i", $OPT_TRUE, *personal, "Deviation from standard source tree",
"f", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"c", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"Q", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"q", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"f", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"n", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"p", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"D", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
&Opt_Parse(*modules, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
$args = $cvsargs;
# Put together the "cvs co" command.
$buffer = "cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs co $args";
if ($args =~ /-c/) {
return 0;
if (($args =~ /-r/) || ($args =~ /-D/)) {
$buffer .= "-f ";
$status = &Lock("r", @modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$user = getlogin;
print "@modules\n" if ($debug);
foreach $i (@modules) {
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
printf("Checking out $i\n") if ($debug);
# Perform the "cvs co".
printf("$buffer $i \n") if ($debug);
system("$buffer $i");
# Store the "cvs co" arguments in the info file.
if (! -d "$i/SCVS") {
if (!mkdir("$i/SCVS", 0770)) {
$status = &Error(1, "Mkdir of $i/SCVS failed: $!\n");
next module;
if (!open(CO, ">$i/SCVS/$argFile")) {
$status = &Error(1, "Open of $i/SCVS/$argFile failed: $!\n");
next module;
print(CO "# This file contains the arguments given when this\n");
print(CO "# module was checked out.\n");
print(CO "$cvsCmdArgs\n");
print(CO "$args\n");
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
# Unpack the module.
&Unpack($i) == 0 || return &Error("Unpack of $i failed\n");
# Prune any empty directories in the module.
if ($prune) {
&Prune($i) == 0 || return &Error(1, "Prune of $i failed\n");
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
# See if any other users have a copy of the module, and add our
# own entry.
$repos = &Repository($i);
next module if (!defined($repos));
$date = &ctime(time);
open(CO2, ">$repos/$tmpfile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $repos/$tmpfile failed: $!\n");
if (-e "$repos/$userFile") {
local($copy) = 0;
open(CO1, "$repos/$userFile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $repos/$userFile failed: $!\n");
while(<CO1>) {
$copy = 0;
next if (/^#/);
if (/^$user\s+([\w\/\.]+)\s+(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "$pwd/$i") {
$copy = 1;
} else {
$found = 1;
push(@mine, $_);
} elsif (/^(\S+)\s+([\w\/\.]+)\s+(.*)/) {
$others{$1} = $3;
continue {
if (!$copy) {
print CO2 $_;
} else {
printf(CO2 "# List of users with copies of this module.\n");
if ($#mine >= $[) {
printf("\nYou also have these copies of the $i module:\n");
print join("\n", @mine);
printf(CO2 "$user $pwd/$i %s", &ctime(time));
if (!$personal) {
if (!rename("$repos/$tmpfile", "$repos/$userFile")) {
"Rename of $repos/$tmpfile to $repos/$userFile failed:$!\n");
next module;
} else {
if (defined(%others)) {
printf("\nThe following users have copies of the $i module:\n");
while(($name, $date) = each(%others)) {
printf("$name $date\n");
return 0;
# UnlockCmd(@ARGV)
# Parse arguements, then call Unlock to do the dirty work.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub UnlockCmd {
local(@args) = @_;
local($all) = 0;
local($status) = 0;
local(@options) = (
"a", $OPT_TRUE, *all, "Remove everybody's locks",
&Opt_Parse(*args, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST);
$status = &Unlock($all,@args);
return $status;
# Unlock($allusers, @modules)
# Remove the locks for a list of modules.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Unlock {
local($allusers) = shift;
local(@modules) = @_;
local($cvsdir, $i, $lock);
local($status) = 0;
local($user) = getlogin;
print("Unlock $allusers @modules\n") if ($debug);
if (!defined(%modMap)) {
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
foreach $i (@modules) {
if ($i eq ".") {
$i = &GetModuleName;
if (!defined($i)) {
$status = 1;
next module;
if (!defined($modMap{$i})) {
printf(STDERR "Module $i does not exist.\n");
$status = 1;
next module;
$cvsdir = "$cvsroot/$modMap{$i}/SCVS";
$lock = "$cvsdir/locks";
if (!-e $lock) {
next module;
if ($allusers) {
if (!unlink($lock)) {
printf("Can't remove lock file $lock: $!\n");
next module;
if (!open(UNLOCK1, "$lock")) {
print("Open of $lock failed: $!\n");
next module;
if (!open(UNLOCK2, ">$cvsdir/$tmpfile")) {
print("Open of $cvsdir/$tmpfile failed: $!\n");
next module;
flock(UNLOCK1, 2) ||
return &Error(1, "Flock(2) of $lock failed: $!\n");
while(<UNLOCK1>) {
($type, $name) = split(' ');
if ($name ne $user) {
print(UNLOCK2 $_);
if (!rename("$cvsdir/$tmpfile", "$lock")) {
"Rename of $cvsdir/$tmpfile to $lock failed:$!\n");
next module;
return $status;
# LockCmd(@ARGV)
# Parse any options then call Lock to do all the work.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The lock files in the modules are updated.
sub LockCmd {
local(@args) = @_;
local($write) = 1;
local($status) = 0;
local(@options) = (
"w", $OPT_TRUE, *write, "Write (exclusive) lock",
"r", $OPT_FALSE, *write, "Read (shared) lock",
print("LockCmd @args\n") if ($debug);
&Opt_Parse(*args, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST);
$status = &Lock($write ? "w" : "r", @args);
return $status;
# Lock($type, @modules)
# Make sure the modules are unlocked, and lock them. Any modules that
# we lock are put in the @lock array.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: Lock files are created in the modules.
sub Lock {
local($type) = shift;
local(@modules) = @_;
local($status) = 0;
local($i, $name);
local($user) = getlogin;
print("Lock $type @modules\n") if ($debug);
if (!defined(%modMap)) {
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
foreach $i (@modules) {
if ($i eq ".") {
$i = &GetModuleName;
if (!defined($i)) {
$status = 1;
next module;
if (!defined($modMap{$i})) {
printf(STDERR "$i module does not exist.\n");
$status = 1;
next module;
$cvsdir = "$cvsroot/$modMap{$i}/SCVS";
$lock = "$cvsdir/locks";
print("Cvsdir = $cvsdir\n") if ($debug);
if (-f "$lock") {
print("Opening $lock\n") if ($debug);
open(LOCK1, "$lock") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $lock failed: $!\n");
flock(LOCK1, 2) ||
return &Error(1, "Flock(2) of $lock failed: $!\n");
while(<LOCK1>) {
($prevType, $prevName) = split(' ');
if ($prevName eq $user) {
if ($prevType ne $type) {
return &Error(1, "$i already locked:\n$_");
} else {
next module;
} else {
if (($prevType eq "r") && ($type eq "w")) {
return &Error(1, "$i already locked:\n$_");
} elsif ($prevType eq "w") {
return &Error(1, "$i already locked:\n$_");
push(@prevLocks, $_);
open(LOCK2, ">$cvsdir/$tmpfile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $cvsdir/$tmpfile failed: $!\n");
foreach $i (@prevLocks) {
print(LOCK2 "$i");
printf(LOCK2 "$type $user %s", &ctime(time));
if (!rename("$cvsdir/$tmpfile", "$lock")) {
"Rename of $cvsdir/$tmpfile to $lock failed:$!\n");
return 1;
push(@mylocks, $i);
if ($status) {
if (&Unlock(0, @mylocks)) {
return &Error(1, "Can't clean up in LockCmd\n");
push(@locks, @mylocks);
return $status;
# UpdateCmd($lock, @names)
# Update modules. If the arguments are a list of subdirectories then
# we chdir to each of them and run "cvs update". If the arguments are
# a list of files then we pass them to cvs. If no files or directories
# are specified then we update the current directory. The arguments
# for update are retrieved from the SCVS/args file.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub UpdateCmd {
local($lock) = shift;
local(@names) = @_;
local($buffer, $i, $cvsdir, $date, %count, %dates);
local($found, $name);
local($buildDirs) = 1;
local(@options) = (
"B", $OPT_FALSE, *buildDirs, "Don't create new directories.",
"l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Don't recurse on subdirs",
"Q", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"q", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"f", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"n", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"p", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"d", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"D", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
&Opt_Parse(*names, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
$args = $cvsargs;
# Put together the "cvs update" command.
if ($buildDirs) {
$args .= "-d ";
if (! $recurse) {
$args .= "-l ";
$buffer = "cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs ";
if ($#names < $[) {
push(@names, ".");
if (! -d $names[0]) {
if ($lock) {
$status = &Lock("r",".");
if ($status) {
return $status;
$tmp = "$buffer update $args @names";
printf("$tmp\n") if ($debug);
$recurse = 0;
&Unpack(".") == 0 ||
return &Error(1, "Unpack of current directory failed.\n");
} else {
# Lock the modules.
if ($lock) {
$status = &Lock("r", @names);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$pwd = $ENV{'PWD'};
foreach $i (@names) {
$prune = 0;
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
if (-e "SCVS/$argFile") {
@targs = &ReadFile("SCVS/$argFile", 1);
if ($targs[1] =~ /(.*)-p(.*)/) {
$targs[1] = "$1 $2";
$prune = 1;
$tmp = "$buffer $targs[0] update $args $targs[1]";
printf("$tmp\n") if ($debug);
if (&Unpack($i)) {
printf(STDERR "Unpack of $i failed.\n");
$status = 1;
if ($prune) {
if (&Prune($i)) {
printf(STDERR "Prune of $i failed.\n");
$status = 1;
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
return $status;
# Changed($path)
# Use the "cvs info" command to see if the contents of the current directory
# or its subdirectories have been changed by the user. The modified
# parameter is set to 1 if they have been.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise; 0 if not modified, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Changed {
local($path) = shift;
local($modified) = 0;
local($status) = 0;
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
open(CHG, "cvs -d $cvsroot info |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't do cvs info on $path: $!\n");
while (<CHG>) {
if (/^[MC]\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("$path/$1 has been modified\n");
$modified = 1;
} elsif(/^A\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("$path/$1 has been added\n");
$modified = 1;
} elsif(/^R\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("$path/$1 has been deleted\n");
$modified = 1;
($status, @results) = &AllSubdirs($path, "Changed");
if ($status) {
return $status;
while ($#results >= $[) {
local($substatus) = shift(@results);
local($submod) = shift(@results);
if ($substatus) {
$status = 1;
if ($submod) {
$modified = 1;
return ($status, $modified);
# DoneCmd(@modules)
# Process the "done" command. The user is deleted from the list of users
# for each module. If the -d flag is specified then the snapshot is
# deleted as well. If the user has made changes to the snapshot the user
# is warned before the "done" command is completed.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub DoneCmd {
local(@modules) = @_;
local($status) = 0;
local($me) = getlogin;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($repos, $found);
local(@options) = (
"d", $OPT_TRUE, *delete, "Delete module",
$recurse = 1;
&Opt_Parse(*modules, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST);
if ($#modules < $[) {
return &Error(1, "Done command requires a list of modules\n");
# Make sure all the modules are unlocked, then lock them.
$status = &Lock("r",@modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
foreach $i (@modules) {
$ok = 0;
if (! -d $i) {
printf("Directory $i not found.\n");
next module;
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
($status, $modified) = &Changed($i);
if ($status) {
printf(STDERR "Unable to determine if $i module has changed.\n");
$modified = 1;
if ($modified == 1) {
printf("Do you wish to continue? [y/n] ");
while(1) {
$answer = <STDIN>;
last prompt if ($answer eq "y");
next module if ($answer eq "n");
printf("Please answer with \"y\" or \"n\": ");
} elsif ($modified == 1) {
next module;
# Update the user file.
$repos = &Repository(".");
next module if (!defined($repos));
if (!open(DONE1, "$repos/$userFile")) {
printf("Module $i is not checked out\n");
next module;
if (!open(DONE2, ">$repos/$tmpfile")) {
printf("Can't open $repos/$tmpfile: $!\n");
$status = 1;
next module;
$me = getlogin;
$found = 0;
while (<DONE1>) {
if (/^$me\s+([\w\/\.]+)\s+(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq "$pwd/$i") {
$found = 1;
print DONE2 $_;
if (!$found) {
printf("Module $i is not checked out\n");
next module;
if (!rename("$repos/$tmpfile", "$repos/$userFile")) {
printf("Rename of $repos/$tmpfile to $repos/$userFile failed:$!\n");
next module;
$ok = 1;
continue {
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
if ($ok && $delete) {
system("rm -rf $i");
if ($?) {
printf("Delete of $i failed: $?\n");
return $status;
# AllSubdirs(path, routine, args)
# Call a routine for each subdirectory of the current directory. The
# current working directory is changed to the subdirectory before the
# routine is called, and the path is modified to reflect this change.
# The path is passed to the routine when it is called. The routine is
# called for all subdirectories even if one returns an non-zero status,
# although this function will then return a non-zero status.
# Any additional arguments for the routine are passed after the path
# argument.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 if the routine returned non-zero for any
# of the subdirectories.
# Side effects:
sub AllSubdirs {
local($path) = shift;
local($routine) = shift;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
printf(STDERR "AllSubdirs of $routine on $pwd\n") if ($debug);
opendir(THISDIR, ".") ||
return &Error(1, "Opendir of $path failed: $!\n");
@subdirs = grep((-d) && (!/^\./) && (! -l) && ($_ ne 'CVS.adm'),
print("AllSubdirs: @subdirs\n") if ($debug);
print "@subdirs\n****\n" if ($debug);
foreach $dir (@subdirs) {
printf("\t$dir\n") if ($debug);
&Chdir($dir) == 0 || return 1;
push(@results, &$routine($path . "/$dir", @_));
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || ($status = 1);
if (wantarray) {
return ($status, @results);
if ($status) {
return $status;
@status = grep("$_ != 0", @results);
if ($#status >= $[) {
return $status[0];
return 0;
# VerifyCurrent($path, *stale, *modified)
# Check the status of the files in the current directory and its
# subdirectories to see if they are out of date.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise;
# Side effects:
sub VerifyCurrent {
local($path) = shift;
local(*stale) = shift;
local(*modified) = shift;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($status) = 0;
local($substatus) = 0;
local($current) = 1;
local($mod) = 0;
printf("Verifying that $path is current\n") if ($debug);
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
open(CHK, "cvs -d $cvsroot info |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't get info for $path: $!\n");
while(<CHK>) {
if (/^U\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("File $path/$1 is out of date or needs to be added.\n");
$current = 0;
} elsif (/^D\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("File $path/$1 has been removed from the repository.\n");
$current = 0;
} elsif (/^C\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("File $path/$1 is out of date.\n");
$current = 0;
} elsif (/^[MARC]/) {
$mod = 1;
if (!$current) {
printf("$path is not current\n") if ($debug);
push(@stale, $path);
if ($mod) {
printf("$path has been modified\n") if ($debug);
push(@modified, $path);
if ($recurse) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "VerifyCurrent", *stale, *modified);
return $status;
# UpdateInstalled(@files)
# Update the installed copy of the sources. This is done on commit.
# If @files is not specified then the entire directory and its subdirectories
# are updated.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The installed sources are updated.
sub UpdateInstalled {
local(@files) = @_;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($saveArgs) = $cvsCmdArgs;
printf(STDERR "UpdateInstalled\n") if ($debug);
$cvsCmdArgs = "-r";
$dir = &ReadFile("CVS.adm/Repository", 1);
if (!defined($dir)) {
return 1;
&Chdir("$installdir/$dir") == 0 || return 1;
&UpdateCmd(0, "-Q", @files) == 0 || return 1;
&Chdir("$pwd") == 0 || return 1;
$cvsCmdArgs = $saveArgs;
return 0;
# Commit
# Commit the current directory and its subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Commit {
local($path) = shift;
local($args) = shift;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($status) = 0;
printf(STDERR "CommitDir $path\n") if ($debug);
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
$tail = substr($path, rindex($path, '/') + 1);
# Before we commit the SCVS links file we remove all the deleted links
# from it.
if ($tail eq "SCVS") {
if (open(CMTDIR1, "$linkFile")) {
open(CMTDIR2, ">$tmpfile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $path/$tmpfile failed: $!\n");
while(<CMTDIR1>) {
next if (/^[*]/);
print CMTDIR2 $_;
if (!rename("$tmpfile", "$linkFile")) {
printf("Rename of $tmpfile to $linkFile failed:$!\n");
return 1;
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs ci -f -m scvs links");
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs ci -f -a $args");
return $status;
# CommitCmd(@names)
# Commit any changes to the modules or files.
# Otherwise all changed files in the current directory and any subdirectories
# are committed. Before anything is committed it is checked that all
# files are up-to-date. If they aren't, a message is printed and the
# commit is not done.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub CommitCmd {
local(@names) = @_;
local($pwd, $i);
local($status) = 0;
local(@stale, @modified);
local(@options) = (
"l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Don't recurse on subdirs",
"f", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"n", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"m", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
$recurse = 1;
&Opt_Parse(*names, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
$args = $cvsargs;
if ($#names < $[) {
push(@names, ".");
$args .= " -q";
if (! -d $names[0]) {
$status = &Lock("w",".");
if ($status) {
return $status;
$status = &VerifyCurrent(".", *stale, *modified);
if ($status) {
return $status;
if ($#stale >= $[) {
printf("Update your sources using \"scvs update\".\n");
return $status;
$tmp = "cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs ci -f $args @names";
$status = &UpdateInstalled(@names);
} else {
$status = &Lock("w",@names);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$pwd = $ENV{'PWD'};
# All the modules and their subdirectories must be up-to-date.
foreach $i (@names) {
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
$status = &VerifyCurrent($i, *stale, *modified);
if ($status) {
return $status;
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
if ($#stale >= $[) {
printf("Update your sources using \"scvs update\".\n");
return $status;
# Commit all directories that were modified.
foreach $i (@modified) {
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
$status = &Commit($i, $args);
last if ($status);
if (defined($installdir)) {
$status = &UpdateInstalled;
last if ($status);
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
return $status;
# WhoCmd(@modules)
# Print the names of users who have the modules checked out.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub WhoCmd {
local(@modules) = @_;
local($pwd, $i);
local($status) = 0;
local($cvsdir, @who, $user, %users, $line);
if (!defined(%modMap)) {
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
$status = &Lock("r",@modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$pwd = $ENV{'PWD'};
foreach $i (@modules) {
if ($i eq ".") {
$i = &GetModuleName;
if (!defined($i)) {
$status = 1;
next module;
if (!defined($modMap{$i})) {
printf(STDERR "$i module does not exist.\n");
$status = 1;
next module;
$cvsdir = $cvsroot . "/" . $modMap{$i};
@who = &ReadFile("$cvsdir/$userFile", 1);
foreach $line (@who) {
($user) = split(' ', $line);
$users{$user} = 1;
foreach $user (keys %users) {
return $status;
# AddCmd(@names)
# Add a file, directory, or symbolic link to a directory.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub AddCmd {
local(@names) = @_;
local($status) = 0;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local(@options) = (
"m", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
&Opt_Parse(*names, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
$args = $cvsargs;
if ($#names < $[) {
return &Error(1, "Add command requires list of files\n");
$module = &GetModuleName;
if (!defined($module)) {
return 1;
foreach $i (@names) {
if (-l $i) {
local($target) = readlink($i);
if (!defined($target)) {
printf("$i does not exist\n");
$status = 1;
next name;
if (open(ADD, "SCVS/$linkFile")) {
while(<ADD>) {
if (/^$i\s+(\S+)/) {
if ($target ne $1) {
printf("Link $i already points to $1.\n");
} else {
printf("Link $i already added.\n");
$status = 1;
next name;
} elsif (! -f "SCVS/$linkFile") {
open(ADD, ">SCVS/$linkFile") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't open SCVS/$linkFile: $!\n");
"# This file is used by scvs and contains symbolic link\n");
"# information. Each line is of the form \"link target\"\n");
printf(ADD "# \$Header\n");
&Chdir("SCVS") == 0 || return 1;
printf("Adding $linkFile directory\n") if ($debug);
system("cvs -d $cvsroot add -m \"sym links\" $linkFile");
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
} else {
return &Error(1, "Open of SCVS/$linkFile failed: $!\n");
$links{$i} = $target;
} else {
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs add $args $i");
if (-d $i) {
# If we are adding a directory then we should create an
# SCVS subdirectory in it.
if (! -d "$i/SCVS") {
mkdir("$i/SCVS", 0770) ||
return &Error(1, "Mkdir of $i/SCVS failed: $!\n");
&Chdir("$i/SCVS") == 0 || return 1;
open(ADD, ">module") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $i/SCVS/module failed: $!\n");
printf(ADD "$module\n");
system("cvs -d $cvsroot add module");
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
if (defined(%links)) {
open(ADD, ">>SCVS/$linkFile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of SCVS/$linkFile failed: $!\n");
while (($i, $target) = each(%links)) {
printf("Adding link $i -> $target\n") if ($debug);
printf(ADD "%-24s %s\n", $i, $target);
return $status;
# RemoveCmd(@names)
# Removes a file, directory, or symbolic link from a directory.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub RemoveCmd {
local(@names) = @_;
local($status, %links, @delete) = 0;
if ($#names < $[) {
return &Error(1, "Remove command requires list of files\n");
if (open(RM, "SCVS/$linkFile")) {
while(<RM>) {
next if (/^#/);
if (/^([^*]\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
printf("Found link $1 -> $2\n") if ($debug);
$links{$1} = $2;
foreach $i (@names) {
if (-e $i) {
printf("$i still exists, deleting it\n");
if (!unlink("$i")) {
printf("Delete failed: $!\n");
$status = 1;
next name;
if (defined($links{$i})) {
printf("Putting $i on delete list\n") if ($debug);
push(@delete, $i);
} else {
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs remove $i");
if ($#delete >= $[) {
if (!open(RM1, "SCVS/$linkFile")) {
printf("Can't open SCVS/$linkFile: $!\n");
$status = 1;
next name;
if (!open(RM2, ">$tmpfile")) {
printf("Can't open $tmpfile: $!\n");
$status = 1;
next name;
while (<RM1>) {
if (/^([^#*]\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#delete; $i++) {
if ($delete[$i] eq $1) {
splice(@delete, $i, 1);
print RM2 "*$_";
next line;
print RM2 $_;
if (!rename("$tmpfile", "SCVS/$linkFile")) {
printf("Rename of $tmpfile to SCVS/$linkFile failed:$!\n");
$status = 1;
return $status;
# Info($path)
# Prints out status information for the current directory and recurses
# on subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Info {
local($path) = shift;
local($diff) = 0;
local($cat) = 0;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
$tail = substr($path, rindex($path, '/') + 1);
if ($tail eq "SCVS") {
return 0;
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs info ");
if (-d "SCVS") {
&Chdir("SCVS") == 0 || return 1;
open(INFO, "cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs info |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't do cvs info on $path: $!\n");
while(<INFO>) {
if (/^[UMC]\s+$linkFile/) {
$diff = 1;
} elsif (/^[AD]\s+$linkFile/) {
$cat = 1;
if ($diff) {
open(INFO, "cvs -d $cvsroot diff $linkFile |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't do cvs diff on $path/$linkFile: $!\n");
while(<INFO>) {
if (/^>\s+([^*]\S+)/) {
printf("A %s\@\n", $1);
} elsif (/^>\s+[*](\S+)/) {
printf("R %s\@\n", $1);
delete $updated{$1};
} elsif (/^<\s+([^*]\S+)/) {
$updated{$1} = 1;
} elsif (/^<\s+[*](\S+)/) {
printf("D %s\@\n", $1);
foreach $i (keys %updated) {
printf("U %s\@\n", $i);
if ($cat) {
open(INFO, "$linkFile") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $linkFile failed: $!\n");
while(<INFO>) {
next if (/^#/);
if (/^([^*]\S+)/) {
printf("A %s\@\n", $1);
} elsif (/^([*]\S+)/) {
printf("R %s\@\n", $1);
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
if (($recurse) && ($#files < $[)) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Info");
# InfoCmd(@modules)
# Prints out status information for the given modules.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub InfoCmd {
local(@modules) = @_;
local($pwd, $i);
local($status) = 0;
local(@options) = ("l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Don't recurse on subdirs");
$recurse = 1;
&Opt_Parse(*modules, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST);
print "@modules\n" if ($debug);
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
if (-e "SCVS/$argFile") {
@targs = &ReadFile("SCVS/$argFile", 1);
if ($targs[1] =~ /(.*)-p(.*)/) {
$targs[1] = "$1 $2";
$cvsCmdArgs .= $targs[0];
if (! -d $modules[0]) {
$status = &Lock("r",".");
if ($status) {
return $status;
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs info @modules");
} else {
$status = &Lock("r",@modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$pwd = $ENV{'PWD'};
foreach $i (@modules) {
printf("InfoCmd %i\n") if ($debug);
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
$status = &Info($i);
if ($status) {
return $status;
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
return $status;
# DiffFile($path, $file, $args, $current)
# Prints out status information for the current directory and recurses
# on subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub DiffFile {
local($path) = shift; # Current path.
local($file) = shift; # File to diff.
local($args) = shift; # args to cvs diff.
local($current) = shift; # Should we diff with current version.
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($status) = 0;
local($version) = "";
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
$repository = &Repository(".");
if (!defined($repository)) {
print("Repository not found\n") if ($debug);
return 0;
printf("Repository is $repository\n") if ($debug);
if (!-e "$repository/$file,v") {
return 0;
if ($current) {
open(DIFF, "cvs -d $cvsroot status $file |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't get status for $path/$file: $!\n");
while(<DIFF>) {
if (/^RCS:\s+(\S+)/) {
$version = "-r $1";
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs diff $version $args $file");
# Diff($path, $args, $current)
# Prints out status information for the current directory and recurses
# on subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Diff {
local($path) = shift; # Current path.
local($args) = shift; # args to cvs diff.
local($current) = shift; # Should we diff with current version.
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($status) = 0;
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
$tail = substr($path, rindex($path, '/') + 1);
if ($tail eq "SCVS") {
return 0;
opendir(THISDIR, ".") || return &Error(1, "Opendir of $path failed: $!\n");
foreach $file (grep(-f, readdir(THISDIR))) {
printf(STDERR "$file\n") if ($debug);
$status = &DiffFile($path, $file, $args, $current);
if ($status) {
return $status;
if ($recurse) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Diff", $args, $current);
# DiffCmd(@modules)
# Does an rcsdiff on the modules or directories
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub DiffCmd {
local(@modules) = @_;
local($pwd, $i);
local($status) = 0;
local($current) = 0;
local(@options) = (
"R", $OPT_TRUE, *current, "Diff with current version",
"l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Recurse on subdirectories",
"b", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"i", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"w", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"t", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"c", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"e", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"f", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"h", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"n", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
$recurse = 1;
&Opt_Parse(*modules, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
print "@modules\n" if ($debug);
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
if (! -d $modules[0]) {
$status = &Lock("r",".");
if ($status) {
return $status;
foreach $i (@modules) {
&DiffFile(".", $i, $cvsargs, $current);
} else {
$status = &Lock("r",@modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
$pwd = $ENV{'PWD'};
foreach $i (@modules) {
printf("DiffCmd $i\n") if ($debug);
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
$status = &Diff($i, $cvsargs, $current);
if ($status) {
return $status;
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
return $status;
# Cvs($path, $command)
# Run a cvs command in the current directory and its subdirectories.
# Any output from the command is printed. The command is not executed
# in any "SCVS" subdirectories.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub Cvs {
local($path) = shift;
local($command) = shift;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local($status) = 0;
local($output, $tail);
if (!-d "CVS.adm") {
return 0;
$tail = substr($path, rindex($path, '/') + 1);
if ($tail eq "SCVS") {
return 0;
printf("%s\n", $path);
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs $command");
if ($recurse) {
$status = &AllSubdirs($path, "Cvs", $command);
return $status;
# CvsCmd($command, @modules)
# Runs a cvs command on each module and its subdirectories.
# Any output from the command is printed.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects:
sub CvsCmd {
local($command) = shift;
local(@modules) = @_;
local($i, @args);
local($status) = 0;
local($pwd) = $ENV{'PWD'};
local(@options) = (
"l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Don't recurse on subdirs",
"L", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"R", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"h", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"t", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"b", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt1", $OPT_NULL,
"d", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"l", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"r", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"s", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
"w", $OPT_FUNC, "CvsOpt2", $OPT_NULL,
$recurse = 1;
&Opt_Parse(*modules, @options, $OPT_OPTIONS_FIRST | $OPT_NO_SPACE);
if ($#modules < $[) {
push(@modules, ".");
if (! -d $modules[0]) {
$status = &Lock("r",".");
if ($status) {
return $status;
$tmp = "cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs $command $cvsargs @modules";
print "$tmp\n" if ($debug);
} else {
$status = &Lock("r", @modules);
if ($status) {
return $status;
foreach $i (@modules) {
&Chdir($i) == 0 || return 1;
$status = &Cvs($i, $command);
&Chdir($pwd) == 0 || return 1;
return $status;
# Exit
# Exit with a status of 1.
# Results: Doesn't return
# Side effects: The script exits.
sub Exit {
# Usage(@optionArray)
# Print out help information.
# Results: None
# Side effects: Stuff is printed
sub Usage {
local(@options) = @_;
local(%info) = (("unpack", "Create symbolic links"),
("checkout", "Checkout a copy of a module"),
("unlock", "Unlock a module"),
("lock", "Lock a module"),
("update", "Update a copy of a module"),
("done", "User is done with a module"),
("commit", "Commit changes to a module"),
("who", "Print a list of users with copies of a module"),
("diff", "Do rcsdiff on files you have changed"),
("status", "Print out rcs status of files"),
("log", "Print rcs log of files"),
("join", "Merge in new vendor release"),
("patch", "Create a patch file"),
("tag", "Tag a version"));
printf("\nValid commands are:\n");
foreach $i sort ("unpack", "checkout", "unlock", "lock", "update",
"done", "commit", "who", "diff", "status", "log",
@cvsCmds) {
printf("\t$i\t%s\n", $info{$i});
# Error($status, @args)
# Prints @args to STDERR, and returns $status
# Results: $status
# Side effects: Stuff is printed
sub Error {
local($status) = shift;
if ($#_ >= $[) {
printf(STDERR @_);
return $status;
# ReadFile($file, $ignoreComments)
# Reads the contents of the given file. If $ignoreComments is non-zero
# then any line beginning with '#' is ignored.
# Results: An array containing each line of the file. If a scalar is
# wanted then only the first line is returned.
# Side effects:
sub ReadFile {
local($file) = shift;
local($ignoreComments) = shift;
open(READ, "$file") ||
return &Error(undef, "Open of $file failed: $!\n");
if ($ignoreComments) {
@contents = grep(!/^#/, <READ>);
} else {
@contents = <READ>;
if ($#contents < $[) {
return undef;
if (wantarray) {
return @contents;
# WriteFile($file, @args)
# Writes @args to $file. The file is created if it doesn't exist.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: $file may be created, and it is written.
sub WriteFile {
local($file) = shift;
open(WRITE, ">$file") ||
return &Error(1, "Open of $file failed: $!\n");
print WRITE @_;
return 0;
# GetModuleName
# Gets the module name from the name in CVS.adm/Repository and %dirMap.
# Results: The module name.
# Side effects:
sub GetModuleName {
if (!defined(%dirMap)) {
$dir = &ReadFile("CVS.adm/Repository");
printf("$dir\n") if ($debug);
if (!defined($dir)) {
return undef;
while($dir ne "") {
if (defined($dirMap{$dir})) {
printf("Module $dirMap{$dir}\n") if ($debug);
return $dirMap{$dir};
$index = rindex($dir, '/');
if ($index < $[) {
return $dir;
$dir = substr($dir, 0, $index);
return $dir;
# Chdir($dir)
# Changes the current working directory to $dir. If the command fails
# an error message is printed.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The current working directory is changed, and $ENV{'PWD'}
# set to the new working directory.
sub Chdir {
&chdir($_[0]) ||
return &Error(1, "Chdir to %s from %s failed: $!\n",
$_[0], $ENV{'PWD'});
return 0;
# ModMap
# Creates a mapping of module name to its subdirectory in the repository,
# and a mapping from the subdirectory to the module name.
# Results: 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Side effects: The %modMap and %dirMap are filled in.
sub ModMap {
local($module, $dir);
open(MOD, "cvs -d $cvsroot co -c |") ||
return &Error(1, "Can't do \"cvs co -c\"\n");
undef %modMap;
while(<MOD>) {
if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$modMap{$1} = $2;
$dirMap{$2} = $1;
# Main
$SIG{'INT'} = Exit;
$tmpfile = "#SCVS.$$";
$status = 0;
if (&Config) {
$command = shift;
if (!defined($command)) {
printf("$command: %s\n", join(' ', @ARGV)) if ($debug);
if (($command eq "pack") || ($command eq "unpack")) {
local(@options) = ("l", $OPT_FALSE, *recurse, "Recurse on subdirectories");
&Opt_Parse(*ARGV, @options, 0);
$status = &PackCmd($command, @ARGV);
} elsif (($command eq "checkout") || ($command eq "co")) {
$command = "checkout";
$status = &Checkout(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "unlock") {
$status = &UnlockCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "lock") {
$status = &LockCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "update") {
$status = &UpdateCmd(1, @ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "done") {
$status = &DoneCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif (($command eq "commit") || ($command eq "ci")) {
$status = &CommitCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "who") {
$status = &WhoCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "add") {
$status = &AddCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "remove") {
$status = &RemoveCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "info") {
$status = &InfoCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif ($command eq "diff") {
$status = &DiffCmd(@ARGV);
} elsif (($command eq "status") || ($command eq "log")) {
$status = &CvsCmd($command, @ARGV);
} elsif (grep($command eq $_, @cvsCmds)) {
system("cvs -d $cvsroot $cvsCmdArgs $command @ARGV");
$status = 0;
} else {
printf("Bad command: $command\n");
# Unlock any modules we may have locked.
if ($#locks >= $[) {
&Unlock(0, @locks);
if ($status) {
printf("$command failed\n");